Bushings Size For Excavator And Wheel Loader May 22 , 2022
List for normal size of the bushings as below:
inner Dia*outer Dia* Hight(mm) inner Dia*outer Dia* Hight(mm)
¢140 140*155*130 ¢80 ¢80*100*70
140*160*200 ¢80*100*60
140*170*100 ¢80*100*50
¢130 ¢130*154*130 ¢80*96*100
¢125 ¢125*140*100 ¢80*96*90
¢125*140*90 ¢80*95*120
¢120 ¢120*140*120 ¢80*95*110
¢120*140*110 ¢80*95*105
¢120*140*100 ¢80*95*100
¢120*140*90 ¢80*95*95/3
120*135*155 ¢80*95*95
120*135*120 ¢80*95*90
¢120*135*115 ¢80*95*90/130/10
¢120*135*110 ¢80*95*85/4
¢120*135*105 ¢80*95*80
¢120*135*100 ¢80*95*75
¢120*135*94 ¢80*95*70
¢120*135*78 ¢80*95*65 eccentric
¢120*135*70 ¢80*95*60
¢120*135*48 ¢80*95*55
¢115 115*135*100 ¢80*95*50
115*135*95 ¢80*95*45
115*130*150 ¢80*95*40
115*130*140 ¢80*95*36
115*130*130 ¢80*95*32
¢110 110*145*150 ¢80*90*105
110*140*125 ¢80*90*100
110*135*120 ¢80*90*90
¢110*135*110 ¢80*90*85
¢110*135*100 ¢80*90*80
¢110*130*120 ¢80*100*40
¢110*130*110 ¢80*100*30
¢110*130*100 ¢80*96*80
110*125*145 ¢80*96*70
110*125*140 ¢80*95*120
¢110*125*120 ¢80*95*110
110*125*115 ¢80*95*105
¢110*125*110 ¢80*95*100
¢110*125*100 ¢75 ¢75*95*90
110*125*95 ¢75*95*80
¢110*125*90 ¢75*90*95
¢110*125*85 ¢75*90*90
¢110*125*80 ¢75*90*80
¢110*125*60 ¢75*90*75
¢105 105*125*140 ¢75*90*70
105*125*120 ¢75*90*60
105*125*90 ¢75*85*90
105*120*108 ¢71 ¢71*86*85
¢105*120*100 ¢71*86*80
¢105*120*90 ¢71*86*70
¢100 ¢100*130*130 ¢71*86*65
¢100*130*120 ¢71*86*60
¢100*130*110 ¢71*86*50
¢100*130*110/170/10 ¢71*86*40
¢100*130*100 ¢70 ¢70*100*95
¢100*125*130 ¢70*100*85
¢100*125*120 ¢70*95*80
¢100*125*110 ¢70*90*110
¢100*125*100 ¢70*90*100
¢100*125*90 ¢70*90*95
¢100*120*135 ¢70*90*90
¢100*120*125 ¢70*90*80
¢100*120*120 ¢70*90*70
¢100*120*115 ¢70*86*95
¢100*120*110 ¢70*85*146
¢100*120*100 ¢70*85*110
¢100*120*90 ¢70*85*100
¢100*120*85 ¢70*85*95
¢100*120*80 ¢70*85*90/130/10
¢100*116*110 ¢70*85*85
¢100*116*100 ¢70*85*80
¢100*116*90 ¢70*85*75
¢100*115*145 ¢70*85*70
¢100*115*130 ¢70*85*65
¢100*115*120 ¢70*85*60
¢100*115*110 ¢70*85*50
¢100*115*100/5 ¢70*85*36
¢100*115*95 70*80*90
¢100*115*90 70*80*80
¢100*115*85 70*80*70
¢100*115*80 ¢65 ¢65*90*60
¢100*115*70 ¢65*85*80
¢100*115*65 ¢65*85*70
¢100*115*60 ¢65*85*65
¢100*115*35 ¢65*85*60
¢95 95*110*115 ¢65*80*105
¢90 ¢90*130*100 ¢65*80*100
¢90*130*90 ¢65*80*90
¢90*125*110 ¢65*80*85
¢90*125*100 ¢65*80*80
¢90*120*120 ¢65*80*75
¢90*120*110 ¢65*80*70
¢90*120*110 ¢65*80*70/105/10
¢90*120*105/148/195/10 ¢65*80*65
¢90*120*100 ¢65*80*65
¢90*120*90 ¢65*80*60
¢90*120*80 ¢65*80*55
¢90*120*70 ¢65*80*50
¢90*115*100 ¢65*75*70
¢90*115*90 ¢65*75*65
¢90*115*80 ¢60 ¢60*90*105
¢90*115*70 ¢60*80*80
¢90*110*120 ¢60*80*70
¢90*110*110 ¢60*80*65
¢90*110*100 ¢60*80*65/105/10
¢90*110*90 ¢60*80*60
¢90*110*80 ¢60*80*50
¢90*106*110 ¢60*75*95
¢90*106*100 ¢60*75*90
¢90*106*90 ¢60*75*80
¢90*106*80 ¢60*75*70/105
¢90*106*70 ¢60*75*75
¢90*105*130 ¢60*75*70
¢90*105*125 ¢60*75*65
¢90*105*120 ¢60*75*65/105/10
¢90*105*110 ¢60*75*82/129/110
¢90*105*100 ¢60*75*60
¢90*105*95 ¢60*75*60
¢90*105*90 ¢60*75*55
¢90*105*90/135/10 ¢60*75*50
¢90*105*85 ¢60*70*65
¢90*105*80 ¢55 ¢55*80*70
¢90*105*75 ¢55*75*75
¢90*105*70 ¢55*75*70
¢90*105*70 eccentric ¢55*75*60
¢90*105*65 ¢55*70*80
¢90*105*60 ¢55*70*70
¢90*105*55 ¢55*70*65
¢90*105*50 ¢55*70*60
¢90*100*105 ¢55*70*50
¢90*100*100 ¢55*65*60
¢90*100*90 ¢55*65*50
¢90*100*80 ¢50 ¢50*70*70
¢85 ¢85*105*50 ¢50*70*60
¢85*100*105 ¢50*65*70
¢85*100*100 ¢50*65*65
¢85*100*90 ¢50*65*65/105/10
¢85*100*80 ¢50*65*60
¢85*100*70 ¢50*65*60
¢85*100*68 ¢50*65*55
¢85*100*60 ¢50*65*50
¢85*100*50 ¢50*60*60
¢85*95*100 ¢50*60*55
¢85*95*90 ¢50*60*50
¢80 ¢80*120*100 ¢48 ¢48*55*50
¢80*120*90 ¢48*55*30
¢80*110*95 ¢45 ¢45*62*40
¢80*110*90 ¢45*60*60
¢80*110*80 ¢45*60*50
¢80*110*70 ¢45*60*45
¢80*110*95/130/10 ¢45*55*100
¢80*95*95/130/114 ¢45*55*60
¢80*95*87/154/137 ¢45*55*60/105/10
¢80*95*95/130/10 ¢45*55*50
¢80*110*85/165 ¢45*55*45/2
¢80*120*86/165 ¢45*55*40
¢80*105*100 ¢40 ¢40*55*65
¢80*105*90 ¢40*55*50
¢80*105*80 ¢40*50*50
¢80*100*120 ¢40*50*45
¢80*100*110 ¢38 38*48*55
¢80*100*100 ¢35 35*50*60
¢80*100*90/138/10 35*45*40
¢80*100*90 ¢30 30*40*40
¢80*100*85 30*38*35
¢80*100*80 ¢25 25*33*40

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